Line dance Instructor / Choreographer. Stepsheets; Gallery; Whats On; Articles; Links;. Dance to count 16, make ¼ turn left to restart the dance facing 3:00. Australian Line Dance Choreography (linedance) This page is an index for recently submitted dances only. 3-4 Bounce left heel twice. Tag 2: End of walls 3 & 7. G. Once you've mastered this version, check out. Dance Type. Lucky Lips by The Conquerors. Line Dance VIDEOS. There will be 4 bass beats to hop. Hi Bobbie, Would love to know the other songs to which you have done Texas Time. No Tags/Restarts HOP FORWARD, HOLD, BUMP LEFT, BUMP RIGHT, SLOW ROLL &1-2 Hop Right forward (&), Step L next to R (1), Hold (2) 3-4 Bump Left hip Left side (3), Bump Right hip Right side (4) 5-8 Bump hips from Left side to Right side (Roll Hips Counterclockwise)1. STEP AND TURN. Boot Scootin’ Boogie. Australian Line Dance Choreography (linedance) This page is an index for recently submitted dances only. AA Jenny Cain (USA) - May 2022. Dance Floor Etiquette. At the time of this writing, the Copperknob website has 124,895 line dance step sheets! That means it is closing in on a quarter-million choreographed line. Dance: Copperhead RoadChoreographer: UnknownTimestamps to each set of 8 counts:First 8: 0:38Second 8: 1:48Walk through all walls: 3:14For song go: Added Line Dance Stepsheets. IRE) - February 2023. Step Sheet: Click here to download. This line dance is called Copperhead Road. Last Update - 15 Sep 2023. 2020 28 SEP 2 8 NOV '20 200. DANCE CLASS PHOTOS. Dance: Copperhead RoadChoreographer: UnknownTimestamps to each set of 8 counts:First 8: 0:38Second 8: 1:48Walk through all walls: 3:14For song go: 32 Count 4 Wall High Beginner Music: Zai Hui Shou (再回首) - Qing Chun Mei Shao Nu (青春美少女) Shadow in the Dawn Sascha Wolf (DE) - November 2023. Little Mr P. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Polka Style Line Dance - Niels Poulsen (DK) - April 2011. For more fun county line dances, purchase my instructional line dance DVD on Amazon or. 112 Count 2 Wall intermediate Music: Mambo Italiano - Shaft. &3-4 Step left to left, step right beside left opening body to right diagonal, hold. Slide your right foot up to meet your left foot. "Good Time. Johnny Earle – Skiff-a-Billy line dance. 00 Wall. Line Dance Man by Mr Tom & The Nashvillians: Improver: February 2021: Line In the Sand: Sandy Kerrigan: Everything by Michael Buble:. 32 Count 4 Wall Improver Music: Dont Mean to Fall - Whiskey Bent. The Choreographers were Jamal Sims & Dondraico Johnson. Cowboy Cha Cha. 22 dancers from The Shepherd One for All Linedance . Gloria Estefan & Debbie Harry) - Dolly Parton, Belinda Carlisle & Cyndi Lauper. Line dance. 5 Touch right toe behind left. Notes: 1 restart during the 3rd wall after 16 counts. Displaying 1 to 100 of 100 line dance scripts. 32 Count 2 Wall Low Advanced Music: Man on a Mission - Oh The Larceny : (iTunes etc. The attempt with these Christmas line dances is to keep them at a fairly beginner level. Line dance Step Sheets and Information, including teaching videos and articles. ENDING: Dance 16a counts of Wall 7 (6:00). the front ( 12:00) the Champs will. View / Add Comments. Intro: 16 counts (9 secs) S1: SIDE, ⅛ BACK ROCK, R LOCK STEP, STEP, ½ PIVOT, ½ LOCK STEP. 1&2 Step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward. 3-4 Side step right, step together left. The dance is done to the song “Lit” by Trace Adkins, and it’s perfect for beginners. . Your search for dances is sorted alphabetically and has found more than 1,000 results. Choreographed by: Trude Dalene (Feb 2023)52 count - 2 wall - High Beginner level line danceMusic: Flowers- Miley CyrusCopperKnob is an App which allows you to browse over 130,000 linedance stepsheets from the CopperKnob website. DANS / STEPSHEET. 3-4 Step R Forward while rolling hips L to R making ¼ Turn L (1), Close L next to R (2) 12:00. WALL 1 RESTART: Dance 52 counts and restart the dance facing back wall. Line dance Step Sheets and Information, including teaching videos and articles. 1&2 Step R back, step L beside R, step R fwd as you sweep L from back to front. uk. 3&4 Step right back, lock left over right, step right back. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Music: I'll Roll - Old Dominion. 6-7 Rock Fwd on R, Recover on L Sweeping R. REPEAT. 64 Count 4 Wall Improver Line Dance - Roy Verdonk (NL) & Jef Camps (BEL) - July 2023. com. Released. 32 Count - Wall - Music: AA - Walker Hayes. 25. Choreographer: Gary O’Reilly (IRE) & Maggie Gallagher (UK) – August 2022. 1-2 Step left forward, touch right behind left. Nomcebo) 4’14 Available on I Tunes/ Amazon S. MMM Bop - 32 Count Line Dance Choreographed by: Kelly Kaylin. Ending: (Wall 15) Start the dance facing the back wall and the dance will end on count 13, stepping the R foot to the R side facing the front wall. Ending: On the very last wall you will finish the dance facing 6. 1 Step Fwd on L. WWW. . Note: The music "Head Over Heels by Phil Dust & Jaron Storm" is banned on Youtube due to copyright issue. au. Click on the name of the dance and the step sheet will appear in a new window so that you can view and / or print it. Type of Dance. (To make it easier you can replace the brush with a touch. Search by Dance title: Dance Title Choreographer Song and Artist Level Date. Point toe of your left foot to the left side. Rocking Chair, Walk Forward R & L. Line Dance Instructors / Choreographers / DJ & Events Organisers. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Line Dance - Alison Johnstone (AUS) - August 2023. Login; Register;. Wagon Wheel Pamela Williams (CAN) - September 2021. 2023 19 JUL 3 20 JUL '23 50. LOCK STEP, RIGHT & LEFT. This booklet has been designed to provide information, and to answer many questions beginner line dancers have. into track. Sun Daze by Florida Georgia Line: Improver: September 2016: Sun Goes Down: Diana Bishop: When the Sun Goes Down by Kenny. Linedancer Magazine was a print publication dedicated to the worldwide community of Line dancers, published every month from June 1996 until November 2015. View [email protected] 3: 1 Hop feet apart. Hubbard (USA) & Starla Rodgers (USA)WALK BACK, HOLD X 3. 72 Count 1 Wall Intermédiaire Music: No. Thank you Mags! :-) 64 Count 2 Wall Intermediate Line Dance - Niels Poulsen (DK) - June 2023. 00 to start again. org. 32 Count 4 Wall Novice / Intermediate - WCS Music: goodbye looks good on you (feat. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Music: AA - Walker Hayes. HOP FORWARD RIGHT-LEFT AS YOU ROLL YOUR HANDS UP IN THE AIR, HOP BACK RIGHT-LEFT AS YOU ROLL YOUR. C The Slide Man changed dance floors forever with the release of the Cha-Cha Slide. Aussie Dance Sheets. A line dance is a choreographed dance in which a group of people dance along to a repeating sequence of steps while arranged in one or more lines or rows. Stepsheets;. The only dance steps that you need to learn are the basic cha-cha pattern that repeats and turns. We have collected a synopsis of all 235 editions here that are fully searchable. Learning how to line dance is as easy as 1-2-3 (4). Step sheet (Fiche des pas en français) sur : sheet: sh. Can't Let Go by Jill King. AA Linda Scott (USA) - January 2022. A dance pattern consisting of 4 weight changes. . Outlaw - 32 Count Line Dance Choreographed by: Suzanne Wilson. KJ Sullivan & Cha Cha Sullivan) - Kevin Sullivan. Dance A – Anytime, Anywhere Dance B – Can’t Hold UsDon't Rock The Juke Box. - iTunes - 3:13) Count In: 8 counts from start of track, begin dance on word “girl”. 5-8 Hop on the bass beat in the music and finish a 1/4 turn to new wall. Aurora de Jong (Netherlands). 5-6 Step R side, touch L together. . 7-8 Turn ¼ left, step left forward, scuff right beside left. 32 Count 4 Wall Improver Music: Not Ramaiya Vastavaiya - Anirudh Ravichander, Vishal Dadlani, Shilpa Rao & Kumaar. Link to demo & practice with music: Count 4 Wall Débutant Music: Shivers - Ed Sheeran. Whether a linedance is a 6-beat or an 8-beat phrased dance, it can be broken up into blocks or 6 or 8 counts - something that is immediately obvious when you look at a dance sheet (there are exceptions, but that's the choreographer playing games). Release Date & Language. Music: Mamas by Anne Wilson & Hillary Scott. 2023 4 APR 5. Elvira. Check out the demo & teach videos and then try it out! Mama, Teach Me To Dance: Annemaree Sleeth: Mama, Teach Me To Dance by Eydie Gormé: Improver: February 2015: Mama was the Rose of San Antone: Hiroko Carlsson: Mama Was The Rose Of San Antone by Jody Nix: Improver: August 2018: Mamma Don't Dance: Cathryn Proudfoot & Joshua Talbot: Your Mamma Don't Dance by Kenny Loggins & Jim Messina : Improver. Type of Dance. Stray Cat Strut. 32 count, 4 wall, beginner/improver line dance, choreographed by derek robinson to lucky lips by blackjack on the cd corrina corrina. Let's Have A Party - Video Let's Start Living Again - Video. Point the toe of your right foot to the right side. Description: 32 count, 4 wall, beginner/intermediate line dance. Country line dance names often correspond to the country line dancing song they were made for. 64 Count 2 Wall High Improver Music:. Awesome - Jersey - Dance eXplosion May 2018. Meet the Silver Spurrs. Line Dance: Cupid ShuffleChoreographers: Bernard BrysonTimestamps to each set of 8 counts:First 8: 0:43Second 8: 1:14Third 8: 1:41All Counts: 2:03Walk throug. 1-2 Step L side, cross step R behind L. Votes might take 60 minutes to show. Karl taught this at a workshop we had and it went down a storm. 5-6 Rock R to R side, recover weight on L. 3. Line dancing is a great way to get your mind and body moving while also preparing yourself for the summer cookouts, weddings, and more. Jesus Elvis & Me - 48 Count Line Dance Choreographed by: Deanna Reade. If You Believe - Line Dance (Dance & Teach)Line Dance - If You Believeif you believe line danceCount: 32Wall: 2Level: Easy IntermediateChoreographer:Gary O'R. Since line-dancing is a choreographed style of dance, you are following a sequence of steps that have been conceived by the choreographer. 32 Count 4 Wall Ultra Beginner Music: Mamma Maria - Ricchi E Poveri : (Italian) 48 Count 2 Wall High Beginner Music: Stay the Night - Seán Fahy : (Amazon & iTunes) 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Music: Last Christmas - Wham! 64 Count 2 Wall Improver Music: Come N Get It - Desert Belle : (album: Desert Belle) Line dance Step Sheets and Information. Dance Above The Rainbow. 4 Move back into place. Login; Register; CopperKnob Stepsheets 141202. Walls - 2,7,11 - Rolling Vine with 1/4 turn. A special thank you to Ami Walker and Jo Thompson for their input. Nivo: Beg. 000955 + 191. 1&2 Right shuffle to right (right, left, right) 3-4 Rock left back, recover to right. Step5678 (USA) - April 2019. Vikki Morris. Happens facing 12:00. *the "GIVES ME SHIVERS" line dance! This beginner tutorial will teach yo. 16 Count 4 Wall Beginner Music: Sugar - Maroon 5. gardiner1998@hotmail. Styling: prissy walks or walk on toes fwd. Woolshed Waltz. How to Use Step Sheets | Line Dancing Howcast 9. Count: 64 Wall: 1 Level: Beginner Music: Neon Moon – Brooks and Dunn ROCK FORWARD RECOVER, CHA-CHA BACK, ROCK BACK RECOVER CHA-CHA FORWARD 1-2-3&4 Rock L forward recover R; CHA-CHA back L-R-LTears Could Talk Salfoo (MY) - November 2023. This takes a little bit of practice but have fun with it. Intro: 28 Counts. All My Heart (32) Video. Ending: (Wall 15) Start the dance facing the back wall and the dance will end on count 13, stepping the R foot to the R side facing the front wall. 7, 8 Step R fwd, ½ L taking weight L. 5, 6 Turn 1/4 left stepping back Right, turn 1/2 left stepping forward Left. END OF DANCE – NO TAGS, NO RESTARTS. Email: Manishvassell3@gmail. GRAPEVINE RIGHT WITH TURN ¼. FunDanz Linedancers -Contact Barbara Hile - b_hile@hotmail. 1-2 Step left to left diagonal, lock right behind left. Restarts: On wall 4, dance the first 8* counts then restart the dance again facing 3:00 wall. William Michael Morgan & The Bellamy Brothers. 2&3 Kick R Fwd, Step Back on R, Point L Fwd with Bended Knee. Come join Gail & Harry the "SILVER SPURRS" to learn classic and new line dances. Turn ½ R taking long step forward on R dragging L to meet R to end facing. Stepsheets;. 3-4 Touch left toe behind right, step left together. Continue dance from count 42. The "box turning" is just a plain left box turn-forward, side, together, back, side, together-turning ¼ left over steps 1-3, and ¼ left over steps 4-6 for a total of ½ turn left. instrumental part. SWITCH STEPS TURN ¾, KICK CROSS CLAP. Riding The Waves - 32 Count, 2 Wall Line Dance. Dancin Dean. 2022 24 JAN 2 23 FEB '22 100. 48 Count 4 Wall Improver Music: Breakin' in Boots -. As you get started learning how to line dance, the most important aspect is figuring out steps. Line Dance Step Sheets As of September 2010 a new site has been set up for Australian stepsheets (original sheets only), a replacement for Dancing Downunder (which ceased being updated late 2009). As you pull your right foot back to the left foot, pivot 1/4 turn or 1/2 turn ( spin) on the ball of your left foot and step down on your right foot, next to left foot. Login; Register; CopperKnob Stepsheets 141368. *Take it on the road. 64 Count 2 Wall High Improver Music: The Stroll (feat. Calendar 2020. 64 Count 4 Wall Improver Music: Cowboy Don’t - BRELAND. 5-8 Repeat 1-4, either in the same or opposite direction. Neville & Julie. 64 Count - Wall Improver Partner Music: Heaven's Jukebox - Jaden Hamilton. 64 Count 2 Wall High Improver Line Dance - Darren Bailey (UK) - June 2023. BIG AL'S GEOCACHE. 8 Turn ¼ right and step right forward. 64 Count 2 Wall Improver Line Dance - Robbie McGowan Hickie (UK) - December 2022. Recently Added Line Dance Stepsheets. G. Simple by Florida Georgia Line: Intermediate: June 2018: Simply The Best: Maddison Glover & Rachel McEnaney-White: The Best by Tina Turner: Intermediate: March 2019: Simply the Best [Chair Dance] Laura Rittenhouse: Simply the Best by Tina Turner & Jimmy Barnes: Beginner: June 2023: Since You've Been Gone: Robyn Groot, Linda Wolfe, Cheryl & Gary. Black Friday: Get 90% OFF 04d: 08h: 27m: 06s. As of September 2010 a new site has been set up for Australian stepsheets (original sheets only), a replacement for Dancing Downunder (which ceased being updated late 2009) and finally went offline a few years later. The Electric Slide Dance Steps – Breakdown. 1 Long step left to left side. The dance is all about having fun, so there’s no need to worry about getting every move perfect—just let loose and enjoy yourself. Norma Jean Martine) - Ofenbach. 7 014. start again at 12. . &3 Drop right toe, step left over right. (9:00) [32] REPEAT. Shadow Dance (fr) Audrey Rose (FR) - Décembre 2022. Stepsheets;. Don't stop, just keep on dancing and the beat will kick back in. CLICK HERE. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Music: Take Me Home - Tol & Tol. Lists of the CopperKnob websites most. =Advanced. In case you didn’t know, there are Country Line Dances, Ballroom Line Dances, Latin Line Dances, Disco Line Dances, Swing Line Dances, Hip Hop Line Dances, Blues Line Dances, R&B Line Dances and Nightclub Line Dances. No Can Do - Restless Road. Thank you Mags! :-) 64 Count 2 Wall Intermediate Line Dance - Niels Poulsen (DK) - June 2023. 56 Count 2 Wall Low Intermediate Music: Gonna Be You (feat. Point toe of your left. Alternate steps: 7 Step right foot forward turning ½ left. New Felix Navidad. Option: For music interpretation; on the 3rd repetition of the dance; do 3 little jumps forward with feet together on counts 31&32. 26. . 5. Search by Dance title: Dance Title. 64 Count 2 Wall Easy Intermediate Line Dance - Lu Olsen (AUS) & Julie Hearne (AUS) - July 2022. The dance slows down notably during the hip roll sections so take your time and roll slowly. Practice doing this move to the front, to the back (stepping backward), and side to side. Choreographed by: Kathy Brown and Susan DoyleSee instructional stepsheet at:. This list is compiled from data collected by multi award winning DJ, Dave Baycroft. BOARDWALK – Glenda Silver. Australian Line Dance Choreography (linedance) This page is an index for recently submitted dances only. 6 secs) S1: Walk Right, Left, Right Mambo Forward, Left Lock Back, Right Coaster. 31-32 Side step left, touch together right. 17M subscribers Subscribe 303 108K views 11 years ago How to Line Dance Full Playlist: • How to Line. AB Achy Breaky Heart Russell Breslauer (USA) - July 2019. Although it's a four-wall dance with lots of twists and changes of direction. 2015 Music: “Ain’t Too Cool” by LunchMoney Lewis Step Sheet: Click here to download. These lines usually face all in the same direction, or less commonly face each other. 5 Take right foot forward, touch heel to floor. Welcome to the. 1-2 Touch right together, touch right heel to side. The line dance in the 2011 remake of Footloose is called Fake ID, choreographed for and danced to Big and Rich's song Fake ID. 32 Count 4 Wall Absolute Beginner / Beginner Music: Recuerdos (Merengue Version) - Benny y Sus Tropicales Latinos. "Green Sleeves" instead of "Green". POSITION: BEGIN IN SIDE-BY-SIDE (CAPE for couples) RIGHT ACROSS LEFT JAZZ BOX (TWICE) 1-2 Step right across left, step back left. Bigger The Mountain. Music: - JAXSON GAMBLE. I'll Roll Jill Weiss (USA) - November 2023. Step, Sweep/Touch, Cross, ¼ L, Together, Step, ½ Turn R, Back Lock Step. May 9, 2020 Beginner. 2023 5 JUL 2 25 JUL '23 100. So the giant list of popular line dances starts with two songs from LunchMoney Lewis! This. Intro: 16 counts (9 secs) S1: SIDE, ⅛ BACK ROCK, R LOCK STEP, STEP, ½ PIVOT, ½ LOCK STEP. TAG. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Music: Disco Christmas Song 2024 - Non Stop Christmas song Medley - Merry Christmas 2024. 00. "Glynn" Valley of My Heart Sandy Kerrigan (AUS) - September 2015. Music: Copperhead Road - Steve Earle. Timber Eunja Song (KOR) - May 2023. Adding more words won't help. (Sunshine Coast) Victorian Line Dance Association. Dance Title Choreographer Song and Artist Level Date; C C Heels: Kerry Bailey: Sea of Cowboy Hats by Chely Wright: Improver: August 2010: C'Est la Via (aka Salavie) Bev Vinge Line dance Step Sheets and Information, including teaching videos and articles. Restarts: On wall 4, dance the first 8* counts then restart the dance again facing 3:00 wall. Mr Red White And Blue Stefan Schützer (NOR) - November 2023. 1-2 Right heel touches out, right foot steps back together. step L fwd turning 1/4 right to face 12:00 Dance edit, email: jobex. 2. ENDING: During the 6th sequence, replace counts 47 and 48 with a L turning 3/8 sailor to 12:00 (7&8). 32 Count 2 Wall Beginner Music: Overdrive (feat. 2018 Calendar. Click on "Video" for Tutorial and Demonstration (full dance to music). Slap Leather / Slappin’ Leather. 5 Comments. START AGAIN ☺ HAVE FUN. Music: Girl Crush - Little Big Town : (Album: Pain Killer. 32 Count 4 Wall Improver Music: Jump In The Line (Radio Edit) - Sir. A Little Sweet Dan Albro (USA) - February 2015. Introduction Welcome to Line Dancing. 1-2 Step right back, hold. Australian Line Dance Choreography (linedance) Hosted by Bootscootin' Western Sydney . Happy Hips October 15, 2023. 32 Count 4 Wall ABSOLUTE BEGINNER Line Dance. 14 Touch R beside L. So Sexy Lilian Lo (HK) - November 2023. BOARDWALK – Glenda Silver. All I Wanna Do Is Dance: Deborah McWha: All I Wanna Do Is Dance by Rillakill ft. 7 Cross left foot behind right putting weight on left foot. Line dance Step Sheets and Information, including teaching videos and articles. 7 Swivel both heels right. Cowboy Hitch Pt2 Tom Inge Soenju (NOR) - May 2018. 32 count, 4 wall, IntermediateChoreographer: Karen Jones (UK) 1999Music: Islands In The Stream By Kenny Rogers & Dolly PartonTAG is done twice in the dance: On the 3:00 Wall at the end of Wall 5 & the 9:00 Wall at the end of Wall 7. Music: Corn - Blake Shelton : (Album: Body Language)) Intro: 8 counts (approx. 1-2-3-4 Vine right, touch left together. 7,8 Step right across in front of left, replace weight back onto left. 24. Choreographed by: Raymond Sarlemijn & Roy Verdonk (Feb 2023)32 count - 4 wall - Absolute Beginner level line danceMusic: Stand by Me (Ivan Jack Remix) 45 StarsMaggie Gallagher (UK) & Gary O'Reilly (IRE) - March 2023. 32 Count 4 Wall Improver Line Dance - Amy Glass (USA) - February 2015. Hier die letzten 20 Tanzbeschreibungen und Tanzschritte (Stepsheets): Objection To Tango Choreographed by Al Marshall 23-Oct-2001 Description:64 count, 4 wall, intermediate line dance Music:Objection (Tango) by) Shakira LEFT RUMBA 1-4 Step left to left, step…. Let The Good Times Roll - Video. 32 Count 4 Wall Improver Music: A Love Song For You - Rio Wang (汪睿) : (Album: Love is Sweet OST) Gonna Be You Jasmine Wang (MY), Christine Chiam (MY) & Jen Lim (MY) - November 2023. 1-2 Step back on R, kick L foot slightly forward *styling snap fingers during the kick. 5&6 step side left, together, step (L foot)During Wall 4 & 10 the pace of the music increases: dance the 16 count sequence of the dance in single counts taking out all the “&” counts during wall 4 & 10. It can give a sense of how a dance should be executed, not describe it completely. HAVE FUN with this one! Ending Wall 6 is your last wall. Don't Rock The Juke Box. You might like to refine your search e. Aces And Eights** Pat Esper (USA) - February 2016. Dance the Tag and start again from count 1 **Ending: to finish the dance facing the front [12:00]. 7-8 Cross rock R over L, recover weight on L. If you would like to learn all these dances you can find them on Vol 1 of Liz Collett’s very popular Line dancing DVD for seniors series. Kickit line dance archive, line dance step sheets, step sheet archiveLove Flow Remix. &2 Step left to side, touch right heel forward. You can also print these dance sheets on paper if that helps you. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Music: Dance the Conga - Dave Sheriff. Line dance Step Sheets and Information, including teaching videos and articles. IRE) - April 2023. Sequence: A, A, A, +, B, B, A, A, A, +, B, B, A- (Restart/Tag), B, B. 16 Touch L beside R. com. 32 Count 4 Wall Intermediate Music: Dawai - Fadhilah Intan : (Album: Air Mata di Ujung Sajadah OST) 64 Count 4 Wall Intermediate Music: Wasting Time (feat. You’re Welcome. Gotta Go!!! (Mexico) - 64 count Two Wall Intermediate line dance by Chris Hodgson (UK) August 2002. 64 count, 4 wall. 32 Count 2 Wall Absolute Beginner Music: Last Time - Becky Hill. 00 Lu Olsen: Mob: +61 438 735 122 Email: luolsen@bigpond. Whether you have learned the basics during an instructional. They are searchable by levels and by country. [32] Finish: On last wall, replace the ¼ side shuffle after the walks to a ½ shuffle to the front, step R fwd to finish. Search by Dance title: Dance Title Choreographer Song and Artist Level Date; Table for One, Drinking for Two. Notes: A is danced facing front and back walls. Choreographed by: Maddison Glover & Simon Ward (Jan 2023)32 count - 4 wall - Intermediate Cha ChaMusic: Every Time You Take Your Time - Aaron Goodvin1/ Line Dancing is a choreographed routine of dancing in lines (so no partners necessary) which in turn works the brain. I'm on Fire by Beverley Knight (feat. Lastly, you can also wear dance sneakers, although you should avoid dancing in these for more than a few hours. 64 Count 2 Wall Improver Line Dance - Karl-Harry Winson (UK) - July. Email: [email protected] and Stone choreographed by Maddison Glover - 32 ct, 4 wall, improverHere's the link for the demo & practice with music: Stroll. Choreographers (and friends) are encouraged to submit their dances, preferably in. daniel. 1-2 Step L side, cross step R behind L. Take one final side step with your right foot. This is one of the most popular and well-known line dances today. Daily Visitors. The Tokyo Line Dancers (Unknown). Use free, printable line dance step sheets to see exactly how to move your body and read a. ADVANCED LINE DANCES - Level 6. The Pirates of Renzdance Aurora de Jong (USA) - November 2023. Release Date & Language. Description: 48 count, 4 wall, beginner/intermediate line dance. London Community Gospel Cho. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Music: Achy Breaky Heart - Billy Ray Cyrus. X. 64 Count 2 Wall Beginner Line Dance - Rachael McEnaney (USA) - March 2023. Step Sheet: Click here to download. 1,2 Walk forward Right, Left. Pot Of Gold 60 votes. [1 – 8] Left Rhumba Box Forward, Side Together Side, Behind Side Cross. Ga voor eerder geplaatste dansen naar het: Archief. Southern Cross Linedancers. co. &3-4 Step left together, lock right behind left, unwind ¾ right (weight to right) 5-6 Step left forward, kick right forward. Music: Shivers by Ed Sheeran. Candy. Music: Watermelon Crawl by Tracy Byrd [136 bpm / CD: Best Of Toe The Line] Start dancing on lyrics. w/L. Country Line Dancing with Gail and Harry.